May 20, 2001
- News Flash!!! - Screen Saver logos for 8250 and 3310!!!
- It's a brand spanking new sets of screen
savers. It's from wayfarer,
a good forum friend of mine. It's super duper beautiful. I love
the wings and Buffy screen savers. In fact, it's my screen saver
now!!! Woot! Thanks to wayfarer
for the great images!!!
- Logo Requests - setting the records straight!!!
- I have been noticing a high volume of Nokia Logo requests lately,
but almost all are requested via email. Please, I only read my
email if I'm expecting a message. My email is full of spam (all
you Hotmail account owners know) and when I open it, I usually
search for a particular user name, select all others and bam,
all spams are deleted. And for some reason, I clicked on one of
the spams because the "sender" has a "real"
person's name and without a "subject" line. And guess
what, it's a request for a logo. I even have to go to my email
trash bin and check all emails and lo and behold, I received 20+
logo requests. I am able to send the logo to those 20+ requestors
but I really would not know how many never even got a reply from
Another instance is that when I checked the forum,
I have I think an average of ~10 local registered users. But these
10 never even posted anything. So please, if you register a global
or local account, you need to post your requested logo so I will
And to those who send me email, I would suggest that you state
the request more clearly, specifying not just:
"3210, a2, +16720819" - now, i will never know what
"a2" logo is, right? I need the category and i don't
know what carrier are you using/subscribing to, right? And no,
I'm not joking, I really got this one-liner email and I have no
problems with that as long as the request is clearly stated.
So to set the records straight,
a) please post at the forum (no, you don't have to register a
username anymore).
b) information you need to post in the forum are: Nokia phone
model, logo category and grid (i.e. a1 Animal), carrier/network
(i.e. GlobeTel, SingTel, PaccBell, etc.) and your cellphone/mobile
phone number in International Format. Or if you prefer, email
me your phone number. This is the time that I will check my email
and look for your logo.
- This is a bad moment for me.
- My host, TBNS.NET seems to be going for pop-up banners. I don't
like banners, in fact, I hate them. I understand that they provide
the web space to me for free but I don't want to give my visitors
an ad-full site. It annoyed me so I am thinking the visitiors
feel the same way. I am planning to move my site, if not completely
shut it down. In the event that you, visitors, feel the need for
logos, please visit my pilot beta site at http://arcie.netfirms.com.
It has the logos all the logos (i think), just go the gallery
section. The only thing that's keeping me from migrating completely
there is, again, the "ad banner".
In any case, I am posting at TBNS forum and requesting if they
can spare this site to be an "ad-free", "pop up-free"
site. They have a paid ad-free system but I have no money for

May 12, 2001
- Ahhhhh......more sex-related logos
- Thanks to my visitors for sending me these sex-related logos.
Hehehe, well, it sure raised some eyebrows but I hope we all consider
it as a funny one rather than an offending thing in my collection.
Again, thanks to so many people who emailed me and contribute
to my growing collection of logos.

May 05, 2001
- Thanks to my Host
- This is just a thank you note for my host and domain redirector.
I have been asked several queries about it and it just occur to
me that it is only right for me to refer you the best domain and
web site hosts. TBNS provides
me with a 20mb web space and DomainZero
provides the domain redirector for the http://www.arcie.org. I
will place their link as soon as I have their buttons ready.
- Black and White Game Tips
- I posted 13 tips on playing Black and White. Check them out
on the gaming section of the forum.
- Sex-related Nokia Logos
- Got several new Nokia logos posted over at Gallery section.
Those who are easily offended by such images, you have been properly
advised :). The title says it all.......

April 29, 2001
- Web Interface???
- I used to have free web interface in my old site but since only
a few likes them, i decided to put it down. Beside, I am extremely
low on web space. Right now, I only have less than 4mb free. Anyway,
since February, I got quite a few emails from some who want to
do web design and those who want to have their own site and asking
where to get sample interfaces. I figured I'd provide some free
ones as well to help them start out. I am not a MASTER myself.
I am too lazy to be a web designer hahahaha. So, to set everything
clear, I consider myself a web hobbyist rather than a true web
designer. I enjoy doing design. If you really want to learn more,
check out the links that I have placed in here as well. Join in
the respective forums (not mine, mine's only for Nokia logos hehehe).
You can still check out my forum since all but one in the ezBoard
links in my forum are related to Web Graphics and Web Design.
As for me making a free web interface available here? Well, we'll
see if I can get some more free space. In the meantime, check
out the links I have since some already offer free interfaces.
- Nokia Logos - More Animal Logos and Zodiac Signs
- Yep, check 'em out. For you animal-lovers out there, feast yourselves
on them. I also added Zodiac symbols so you can grab 'em over
at the gallery section.
- Site of Moment and Site of The Month- Polykarbon
and Emode
- I have been frequenting Polykarbon for quite some time and even
placed a direct link below but I can't believe I haven't placed
it on my Site of The Moment :). Emode is also a very cool site
indeed and I just tested my I.Q. score in there. The first try
I got 115 (above average), and the second try I got 135 (which
means a genius)...hahaha, no wonder some genius are cheaters or

April 28, 2001
- Updated:Nokia Vehicles
Logos -
- I just found out that the vehicle section is a duplicate of
bizarre logos. Sorry for the error. I have updated it to reflect
the logos.
- Logo Requestors -
- Please please post in the forum if you're requesting a logo.
I just got a couple or more "hate" mail saying why I
haven't sent the logo yet (which reminds me not to read spams
hehehe). Please, I don't want to send logo to the wrong recipient.
I need a verification. As I've said in the forum, for confidentiality,
you can email me your number and logo and as a means of double
checking, please post in my forum and include your email address.
I usually delete lots of spam email in my HotMail account so sorry
if I failed to get back to you. If you'll post in the forum, at
least i can sort out your name and read it :)

April 14, 2001
- Celebrity Wallpapers
- Added four new celebrity wallpapers. Sarah Michelle Gellar,
Claire Danes, Ashley JJude and Catherine Zeta Jones.

March 30, 2001
- Bizzare Nokia Logos
- Errrmmmm...need I say more?

March 25, 2001
- Wallpaper from Pyros
Playground -
- I have been captivated by another image from Pyros's. Many images
have been made and they are all very cool. Check it out.

- Zodiac Wallpaper -
- Well, zodiac lovers as well as those who don't believe much
about it will surely like these wallpapers. I updated the Gallery
section with all 12 of them! Yes, you don't have to wait each
day and check out if your sign is loaded or not. Well, I can do
that but I figured, why make you wait :). So, here they are. Get
ready to replace your desktop wallpapers, beginning now!

March 23, 2001
- Nokia Logos Galore II and another Wallpaper -
- Upload another bunch of logos over at Gallery
section! Check 'em out!!! By the way, I created another wallpaper.
This one is really cool and came from Pyros' playground...

March 16, 2001
- Nokia Logos Galore -
- I've searched high and low to find the logos you've been waiting
for...but that doesn't mean you can't request for a customized
one. Yes, aside from these goodies you can download and customize,
you can still request for that logo you crave and want, and it's
all for free!!! So what are you waiting for, head on the Gallery
section and grab that logo!!!
- Cool Site of the Moment - Skinz.Org
- Yep, az the name impliez, it'z skinz galore. Head to the zite
and immerze yourzelvez to the lively Skinz zite :p

March 8, 2001
- New Wallpapers -
- Added new wallpapers, check them out at the Gallery
section. I used these as entries to Pyro's Playground :p By the
way, here's a preview of those two images:
Hope you like it....

February 28, 2001
- Joined Altered-Image Webring -
- Yep, I did join their ring :). Thanks to pinkishgirl
for the invitation. You can see the ring at my Gallery section.
- More Forum Nokia Logos -
- Edited: Due to lack of space, I deleted the sample from my server....sorry
for the inconvinience.

February 26, 2001
- More New Nokia Logos -
- Edited: Due to lack of space, I deleted the sample from my server....sorry
for the inconvinience

February 24, 2001
- New Nokia Logos -
- Edited: Due to lack of space, I deleted the sample from my server....sorry
for the inconvinience

February 22, 2001
- Adjusted resolution (800x600) -
- Well, I hope this site's design works ok for most screen resolution.
I downsized it from 1000x700 to 800x600.
- Great Web Site of the Moment - Fli7e
- This site has always remained my favorite. Great WinAmp skin,
not to mention this site is really cool and dreamy. I always like
the dark theme and mysterious effect..

February 17, 2001
- I didn't play any games yesterday and last night so more
"New Wallpapers" -
- I made another 5 brand new wallpapers. This time, I "play"
with people. It's just so hard to make them since they are all
so small to start with and resizing them to a bigger resolution
always resulted to crappy graphics. Ewwww.....talk about being
pixelated. Anyway, each wallpaper took me about 3-4 hours, most
of the time I spent retouching the stock photo. Sorry, I have
no money to buy great quality pictures so....
Post your thoughts or feedbacks in my forum and suggest what you
like or would like to see in the future wallpapers. You'll notice
that yesterday, the trend is about the scenery, and now, it's
about people. I am thinking of animals next, I just can't
decide what animals to use: domesticated, wild, dangerous, extinct,
ancient, or maybe fantasy. The next problem of course will be,
should I draw them or will I use stock images.

February 16, 2001
- New Wallpapers, Nokia Logos, and Zodiac Symbol Logos
- Yep, they're all up. I made 5 brand new wallpapers to
spice up your desktop. All five of them are stock photos with
640x480 resolution and transformed into a 1024x768 wallpaper.
I manipulated all of them and added some effects.
Nokia logos are all up as well. I don't have the "machinery"
to have my site automatically send them to you so what you can
do is tell me what icon you like and I'll send them to you. Make
sure you note what set and what type of icon you like. I seldom
read my email so if you want immediate response, post it in the
forum so I can send them to you asap. Note, please include your
full mobile number in international format (+country code-area
code-mobile number).
Also, if you have a site or design which calls for a need to have
a Zodiac symbol, you're in luck. Check 'em out in the gallery
section as well. Remember, all my home grown images are for your
personal use only. Post in my forum if you have any request.

February 14, 2001
- Great Web Site of the Moment - Marshmallow
- My friend, you got what you're aiming for, to be the spotlight
awardee for being an "Arcie's Great Site of the Moment"
winner. Your prize include a lifetime membership and inclusion
of all my on-line activities.
Seriously speaking, Marshy's site is one of those which I can
say as mysterious. From an estranged forum newbie to forum junkie
to a forum superstar to Web administrator and forum owner. Truly,
Marshy deserves to be my awardee.
Oh, and last but not the least, make sure you visit his forum
as well and meet the freaks......

February 13, 2001
- Yep, Nokia Logos are coming in -
- Due to numerous requests, I am speeding up the Nokia logo gallery.
The Gallery section is still under construction and still needs
to be redesigned. Right now, the table of gallery is still up
and and will be like that until I have decided on what design
to use. Also, the Nokia logos will be uploaded very very soon.

February 06, 2001
- I must be blind, but Blizzard -
- They just launched a retrospective page about how they came
to be :). If you're a fan like me, you can't afford to miss this
- Blizzard news on Warcraft III -
- Blizzard just announced that they'll be having 4 races as the
final race for their upcoming release of Warcraft III. They have
also finalized the title of the game. See the full news here.
- Great Web Site of the Moment - EndEffect.Com
- Well, I dare anyone else to go against me when I say that this
site "Is Refreshingly Cool and Wacky with Graphics and Design".

February 04, 2001
- Brand Spanking New Design -
- Due to the reactions I've got from my regular visitors, I decided
to change, again, this site's design. I know that the last one
have a background that makes it really hard to read text. And
I succumb to the suggestions that I'd better come up with a better
readable site since I am suppose to make it readable :). Since
this again goes way out my usual abstract design and way way different
from my early designs, I consider this a breakthrough for myself.
I have always have a hard time making "lively" and "colorful"
pages. If you are one who follows the evolution of this site,
you'll notice that from my "dark" site, I tried and
failed miserably to come up with a "colorful" site.
I decided that instead of quickly jumping from one theme to another,
why not transition slowly. And this is the result.
Welcome to Arcie's Web Page v5.0
p.s. I am too lazy to make roll-overs...so maybe later :)